Natural Treatments For Epilepsy


Epilepsy is a serious neurological disorder that has affected millions of people around the world. From infancy right into adulthood and into old age, epileptic seizures can grab hold of anyone. From minor nerve issues to full blown seizures that blank out the patient for minutes on end, epilepsy can be very scary and life threatening.

The best thing about nature is that it is abundantly available and has solutions to every affliction known to man. Anyone should first look towards natural cures as they provide the least number of side effects, if any. The problem with pharmaceutical-manufactured medication is that they are chemicals and could affect your body in other ways. Also, they do not provide permanent but temporary solutions which means that you are liable to keep taking them again and again.

Here are some of the common herbs used for the treatment of epilepsy:

  • Mistletoe (was used since ancient Greek times for epilepsy)
  • Peony
  • Lily of the Valley
  • Mugwort
  • Scullcap

There are many more herbs that you can use, but here is a word of caution: you need to contact an expert to find out which herbs are useful depending on the level of seizures and the force. Also, each herb has to be taken in certain quantities, so you definitely need to find out from a practitioner about what you are doing.

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